On April 28th, I had the pleasure of assisting the Pritchard 4-H Club's photography members in yet another workshop!
I had previously worked with the Pritchard 4-H Club in 2017, getting the kids ready for their upcoming 4-H shows during the summer months. Being asked to be a repeat speaker for the club was a great way to not only give back to a program I hold dear to my heart, but to watch as the kids' skills had developed and grown. From upgrading their camera equipment, to remembering all the tips, tricks, and photo-jargon I'd taught them and generally being more confident in their own ability, I was truly impressed! Photography is a great way to get youth to learn to express themselves and explore their creativity. It's fun to watch them as they snap pictures and allow themselves to be free of any "if's, and's or but's" that adults often suffer from when getting creative. If you're interested in learning more about 4-H in BC, I would highly recommend reaching out to your local 4-H district and or the 4-H Office in Vernon. If you are a 4-H leader looking to have someone come speak at your next 4-H event on photography, communications or an agricultural topic (ranging from plant to livestock production) please do not hesitate to reach out to me @ [email protected]. Thanks again to Pritchard 4-H Club for having me out, and all the best to the 4-H'ers as they continue to get creative!
Are you a rancher, farmer or ag-enthusiast?
Just.Ag Productions, in conjunction with Sørensen Photography & B.C.P.hoto, has a casting call for Canadian producers who would like to be part of our legacy photography & film project for 2018! If you're interested in being part of our project, please message, email or call us & we'd be happy to discuss in greater detail! CONTACT INFO: B.C.P.hoto - [email protected] / 250-573-3060 Just.Ag Productions - [email protected] / 250-573-3060 Sørensen Photography - [email protected] / 403-363-9790 Wow, 2017 has come and gone in a blink of an eye. Many things have happened for B.C.P.hoto over these last 12 months, and in good ol' fashioned, end of the year blogging, here's a recap of some the top or most exciting events that B.C.P.hoto got to be part of!
2017 was a very successful and challenging year, and I can't wait to see what 2018 brings. Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the last year, and continues to support the B.C.P.hoto business as it grows. I wish you all a great 2018 and I can't wait to show you all of the exciting new things that are in store! |
"A camera is a tool to teach you how to see without a camera."
-Dorothea Lange Archives
November 2024