What could be any sweeter than this little cutie and this gorgeous fall sunset?
Almost exactly one year ago, from this past weekend's photo shoot, I had the pleasure of photographing Clayton and Katie when Miss Emery was still a bun in the oven. And now that little bun is one cute and sweet little girl! We thought it would be perfect to come back to the exact spots we photographed from the pregnancy shoot, so up Harper Mountain we went. As in good photographer fashion, we got a good hike in while snapping away (I try to always offer my clients a two-for-one deal - exercise & photos!) and I'm sure glad we caught the sun when we did. I can't wait to watch Emery grow, as it was great to see Katie and Clayton's love for their little bundle of joy. I hope you treasure these moments with your little girl, before she grows any more!
What better way to start off the spring/summer photo season than with a fabulous couples shoot!
I had the privilege of photographing Chloe and Sean, my first Kamloops couple, and boy did I have fun! They're such a sweet couple, who you can tell genuinely love and care about each other. Just do a browse through their images and you can feel the love! This particular photo shoot was a gift from Chloe's sister and the sisterly love is also very evident. How can you not smile when you feel that much love? Thanks Chloe & Sean for a fun evening in the setting sun! On April 28th, I had the pleasure of assisting the Pritchard 4-H Club's photography members in yet another workshop!
I had previously worked with the Pritchard 4-H Club in 2017, getting the kids ready for their upcoming 4-H shows during the summer months. Being asked to be a repeat speaker for the club was a great way to not only give back to a program I hold dear to my heart, but to watch as the kids' skills had developed and grown. From upgrading their camera equipment, to remembering all the tips, tricks, and photo-jargon I'd taught them and generally being more confident in their own ability, I was truly impressed! Photography is a great way to get youth to learn to express themselves and explore their creativity. It's fun to watch them as they snap pictures and allow themselves to be free of any "if's, and's or but's" that adults often suffer from when getting creative. If you're interested in learning more about 4-H in BC, I would highly recommend reaching out to your local 4-H district and or the 4-H Office in Vernon. If you are a 4-H leader looking to have someone come speak at your next 4-H event on photography, communications or an agricultural topic (ranging from plant to livestock production) please do not hesitate to reach out to me @ [email protected]. Thanks again to Pritchard 4-H Club for having me out, and all the best to the 4-H'ers as they continue to get creative! |
"A camera is a tool to teach you how to see without a camera."
-Dorothea Lange Archives
November 2024