Try something new - that's what 2020 is all about for B.C.P.hoto.
I think it's of the utmost importance to get outside of your comfort zone and try new techniques to help minimize artistic stagnation and to challenge yourself. Double exposure (both in-camera and during post-processing) has been one of those techniques I've been dazzled by, but never really gave the time or attention too over the years. So come 2020, that's one challenge I've tasked myself with - become a stronger double exposure photographer. And to start things off - I've begun that challenge with editing a few of my favourite grassland images to be double exposure. My in-camera double exposure techniques are chugging along as well, so keep your eyes peeled for future posts utilizing my camera's killer double exposure skills.
And just like that, December 2019 is upon us. How can 12 months zoom past that quickly?
2019 has been a year chalked full of all kinds of fun adventures and opportunities and for that I am thankful! Thankful to amazing mentors, clients, locations and supporters. But with any great experience, you need time to rest and recuperate before heading into another amazing opportunity. So as of Dec. 1, 2019, B.C.P.hoto is closed until January 2020. If you need anything for Christmas - we only have gift cards available, so feel free to email us to get a digital gift card sent to your loved one. For those looking to book with B.C.P.hoto in 2020, please give us a shout, as there are lots of changes coming up for 2020 and we don't want you to miss out on a spot. From only accepting a small number of clients to closing down for a month in 2020, there's lots of changes coming, you just wait and see! I hope everyone has a very fabulous holiday session and 2020 brings nothing but amazing blessings! |
"A camera is a tool to teach you how to see without a camera."
-Dorothea Lange Archives
November 2024